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. Rockets
. . Skill level 5 Kits

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Skill Level 5 Kits: The most advanced and challenging kit level. These kits are designed for very experienced, master modellers. Construction is extremely complex using advanced wood, paper and plastic techniques. Finishing is detail-oriented that may involve elaborate paint schemes. Building and finishing these rockets can take up to a week or more.

Saturn 1B (2) (Scale) (English Only)
Before there was the Saturn V, there was the Saturn 1B, the NASA test bed for Apollo flight hardware. Versions of the Apollo Command and Service Module, and the Lunar Module were all test flown on the....
SSP: £64.99
Saturn V Skylab (2) (Scale) (English Only)
Between 1967 and 1973, NASA successfully launched 13 Saturn V rockets - two were unmanned test flights, nine carried astronauts to the moon or Earth orbit, and one, the last Saturn V, had a mission un....
SSP: £89.99
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